The Mission

Supporting initiatives thru financial, material, manpower and other forms that empower and strengthen families and communities towards self-sufficiency.


The Vision

Strong families as building blocks for strong communities, and strong communities as building blocks for a strong nation.


Our Rationale

Empowered communities have the ability to determine their paths based on values. They are self-sufficient and have healthy families as their bedrock. The family’s strength lies in turn on the unity of the members who recognize and respect the roles of each one as part of the family. This translates into healthy relationships not only in the family but also in the community that serve as foundation for the formation of great nations.

Living in lack not only limits or denies families access to material necessities, but also impedes in the community’s normal social interactions within itself and outside of it. Communities become worlds unto themselves where survival becomes the only purpose for living. It is in this condition of desolation that children, who are supposed to be the communities’ future, are forced by circumstances into the struggle themselves – receiving very little guidance, if at all, having no vision for a future, and instead are sunk in a state of hopelessness. This is exactly what EPI wants to prevent from happening.

The purpose of EPI is to support any initiative in marginalized areas that would lead towards empowered communities. EPI believes that the best advocates for transformation in poor communities are the people themselves and that any intervention from the outside must take its cue from the people as well.

Addressing social issues in disadvantaged communities will not have a profound effect if its reach does not extend to the most basic social unit which is the family. The formation of positive human values happen most effectively in homes where family relationships are healthy and strong. Positive values give rise to responsible citizens that constitute strong communities and, in turn, nations.

Thus, EPI views the family as the basic and crucial social unit most responsible in effecting change. It is essential to establish or reinforce the relationships that are value-based between parents (or their substitute) and children in an environment of care, love and protection where children do best. In addition, support must go to efforts that would strengthen bonds between husbands and wives.